We opened our Soup Kitchen in February 2013 and immediately realized that this was going to be more than a traditional place where the homeless, the poor and the lonely got a plate of hot food.  Thanks to a generous donation of a large army tent from the Int’l Women’s Club we were able to provide shelter during the cold winter for 8-12 people who needed a roof over their heads.Approximately 50 people came through the doors ofour rehabilitation center in 2013.  Most of them suffered from alcohol abuse. Some stayed and some left, but all from day to the next one heard of the changing love of Jesus and the power of His forgiveness.

MAY, 2015
After one and a half years our longest resident, Michael, a man who lost both his legs below the knees, finally received his passport and is officially registered once again in Ukraine. This means that he is now able to legally work on getting not only a pension and invalid status but also receive prosthetics that are awaiting him in America.  Thanks to a friend and colleague in the States and Miracle Limbs - Courage In Motion, we have found prosthetics that are just the size that Misha needs.  God is surely good to provide these limbs at the time when Misha is ready to use them!  Misha received his prosthetics thanks to Miracle Limbs, and now he is independently ambulating around the town.
We want to finish the alcohol rehab center this summer so that we can admit more men into our facility.  We need $13,000.00 with $2,000.00 already on the way.  Please help us give these men a chance.  


As the families flee the Eastern block of Ukraine they come with large families who are traumatized by what they have experienced.  "We can't say Thank God for Ukraine without fearing harm."  

"We love Ukraine and want to be united."  One man experienced rebels beating at his door at one end of the apartment, demanding him to come out to be interrogated while at the other end of the apartment someone was trying to climb up onto the balcony from the floor below.  Of course the children witnessed it all.  That's when the father decided to move his family to safety.  We need your help in helping them. They are experiencing  care for the whole person at the Logos Center and peace which cannot be understood is evident as they settle into their new temporary home.